Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Difference between knowledge and Information

Difference between Information and knowledge

In accordance to understand thistopic we must have to understand that what is Information and what is knowledge
It is the collection of raw facts and figure that may vary time to time

When some techniques or other processed are applied on the data(raw facts and figure) and we get the processed data is known as information

when both the steps of data and information ae done then some results occured and this become as knowledge

Data information and knowledge

design a building is a data
while building bricks are information
finally bricks are joined together to make a complete design is known as knowledge

LET'S understand the diferences between information and knowledge 

INFORMATION                                                                               KNOWLEDGE

Processed data is called information                      After information how it is done is knowledge
It can be achieved from different sources              it can be achieved only by understanding deeply                                                                                       about something
It comes from raw data observation                       it comes from information and a profound                                                                                                 conclusion
can be shared much more easily                            can be shared but might be perceive differently

Data expressed in words, numbers or by               involves personal experience and individual
different diagrams

It is all about to know "what" about                       It is to know about "how" something

Color of Pakistan Flag                                        80% green and 20% white and a star and moon
yesterday mostly strawberry cake were             From tomorrow manager decided to make sold                                                                                        mostly strawberry cake as compared to other

                      bDIfference stages oF TAKING decision

Kamran Rasheed
Zujaj Misbah Khan
Muhammad Imran

Course Instructor
Sir Muhammad Tariq Siddique

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Through my previous blog at     
 i had mentioned some basic steps for making a secure password

Those steps were

STEP # 01.
Must be large enough

STEP # 02.
Must Not contain your basic information data
 STEP # 03.

Must Not contain simple password

Step # 04
Include special character


Today i am going to make a password with those steps

Step #1
lenghty password

Step # 02
combination of numbers also

Step # 03
add special characters

Step # 04
both small and capital words

Step # 05

The above mentioned password is not simple not of a small length as well as it does not containn any user basic information.Also contai9n special characters and mixture of small and capital letters
Be Happy :) :) :) BE Secure

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Pakistan Is my Love.I love Pakistan.PAKISTAN ZINDABAAD :) :) :)
In Today's world there are so much security issues related to email or any other account that is being created on the internet on different sites like
Now a days hacking and different leaks are resulting us to be frightened from data loss and other issues these are asking us to take sufficient step to create a secure password.For this i have following steps

STEP # 01.
Must be large enough
Your password must be large enough (e.g mininum 8 letter is required for all account) but for a secure password it must be a of large length upto 8-20 (letters+digitts+specialcharacter....)

STEP # 02.
Must Not contain your basic information data
Your password must not include your basic information like naem or fathername or phone number etc because it is the easiest cracking ways now a days.

STEP # 03.
Must Not contain simple password like

4.kamranrasheed  etc

STEP # 04
You must include special characters like (#,$,%,&,*,",:,:?,) to make it a secure password

STEP # 05

In my next blog i will show you how to make a secure password using using these above mentioned steps
THANK You...