Sunday, 5 June 2016

In Today's world there are so much security issues related to email or any other account that is being created on the internet on different sites like
Now a days hacking and different leaks are resulting us to be frightened from data loss and other issues these are asking us to take sufficient step to create a secure password.For this i have following steps

STEP # 01.
Must be large enough
Your password must be large enough (e.g mininum 8 letter is required for all account) but for a secure password it must be a of large length upto 8-20 (letters+digitts+specialcharacter....)

STEP # 02.
Must Not contain your basic information data
Your password must not include your basic information like naem or fathername or phone number etc because it is the easiest cracking ways now a days.

STEP # 03.
Must Not contain simple password like

4.kamranrasheed  etc

STEP # 04
You must include special characters like (#,$,%,&,*,",:,:?,) to make it a secure password

STEP # 05

In my next blog i will show you how to make a secure password using using these above mentioned steps
THANK You...

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